Reiki Energy Healing


Find comfort, safety and nurturance with Reiki Energy Healing treatments in Anjali’s relaxing studio located in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley or virtually in the comfort of your own home via a private zoom link. Reiki can now be enjoyed either in person or online. 

Ready for a reiki attunement? All these services and more are now offered as events and workshops. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Anjali at

Click the links below for a short-cut to each section.
Reiki Infused YogaReiki Healing CircleReiki Attunements

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Reiki Energy Healing

Energize with bliss while easing pain and discomfort with the Japanese healing art of Reiki. Using a light touch above the body, Anjali facilitates deep relaxation to promote balance and an optimal state of well being. During sessions, you may feel ease and relaxation connecting to your inner self through energy and gentle guidance. Prior to a session clear space for a time of relaxation and hydration. Optimize your self-care with the nurturance of receiving.

Chakra realignment and cleanse -  Everyone’s energy needs an occasional realignment and cleanse for feeling centered and attuned.  With Reiki, Anjali focuses on bringing light to each of the chakras and uses crystals to align the subtle energy body for gentle nurturance of the chakras!

Stress is a factor most people deal with in their lives on a daily basis.  Reducing stress is key to optimal health and well being.  Reiki reduces stress by tapping into the rest and digest or para sympathetic nervous system.  Since energy crosses all planes including technology, many clients are now experiencing a virtual on-line reiki session in the comfort of their own home.     

Find comfort, safety and nurturance with Reiki Energy Healing treatments in Anjali’s relaxing studio located in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley. Reiki can be enjoyed in person or online.



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Kimberly scheduled a reiki session after experiencing major knee surgery as the result of a skiing accident. When she arrived, Kimberly was able to walk up two flights of stairs to my studio but relied on a cane and brace to do so. She felt a huge blockage of energy in her knee, and the knee itself looked very angry.

After 30 minutes of reiki on her knee, Kimberly experienced a huge energy shift. The blockage was cleared, the blood that was pooling was released, and her scar tissue had softened. The skin tone of her knee appeared healthier, and she gained more mobility, and flexibility, and was able to go down the stairs without her brace.

These photos were taken just 30 minutes apart!

"Life can change direction quickly. When mine did and I was feeling untethered, my business partner recommended that I reach out to Anjali. To me, Reiki had always been something that other people did. It was too unscientific, too mystical. So I was skeptical. But the endorsement from my partner was enough to get me to pick up the phone and make the call. It is now a year later and I am so happy that I did. 

It is immediately evident when you enter Anjali's space, that she has a calming presence and that you are in a safe place. She has wonderful listening skills and recall, and through conversation at the beginning of each session, she is able to hone in on those areas that are creating blocks. Even on my most stressful days, I always leave my sessions with Anjali with a sense of calm and clarity. I am so thankful for the work that Anjali does and the role she has played in my life's realignment." -Josh B

Words cannot truly express the experience we shared with amazing Anjali! Our hearts are forever grateful for the wonderful recommendation of Anjali through a dear friend of mine. As a group, this field and awakening is all new to us. Having become more open to new ideas we decided to open our minds and hearts to this experience and have no regrets, only peace and calm! Anjali came into our worlds at four different places, stages and ages in life, yet we all needed this healing so much. The connection, nurturance and patience she had was unwavering. We cried, we laughed and bonded more than anyone will know. Anjali never hesitated when we asked her to stay longer as the first part of our session flew by getting to know each other which we truly feel we have a connection for life! Anjali showed and taught us many different things than just Reiki and adapted the session as appropriate throughout. I thank you for your willingness to let us talk, express ourselves and allowing us to be vulnerable to our raw emotions and feelings. This was more than just a Reiki session and an amazing experience which we will hold in our hearts forever! Can’t wait for our next session. Be well!

Additional Testimonials

Reiki Infused Yoga

Anjali uses Reiki in conjunction with yoga to experience ultimate transformation. Yoga can be likened to peeling away the layers of an onion. As each layer sheds, more and more unravels about the self. Paired with Reiki, the process can be both empowering and enlightening. 

Anjali opens the sacred space with reiki increasing the energy  during practice so each participant is receiving the healing energy. 

During Shavasana you are encouraged to prepare in stillness to receive reiki.  People comment on the restful and relaxing feelings they experience during Anjali’s practice.  A true compliment to a practice steeped in activating self- love, peace and calm. 

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Reiki Events & Workshops

What Lights You Up?  Discovering Your Bliss with Events and Workshops

Do you ever feel like you need a little extra something, something?  Maybe you wake up and wonder, what do I want in life, today, tomorrow and in the future.  Are you curious about intention setting, messages from the divine, meditation, new and full moon activities, perhaps even plant based cooking?  Ready for a reiki attunement, all these and more are offering as events and workshops. 

 Well my events and workshops are designed to promote your self-discovery and self-awareness by finding what lights you up!  As we tap into the magic of soulful gatherings, some on-line and some in person, we connect at deeper levels with the divine and ourselves.  The beauty of these gatherings is the sisterhood, the loving and sharing plus the divine messages we receive to direct and re-direct us on our path to optimal health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

 Although offered monthly, events and workshops can be created for you and your friends anytime by asking for a personalized event or workshop for your tribe and/or workplace. 

Reiki Attunements

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Reiki I Attunement

Stay Tuned For More info About Upcoming Reiki 1 Attunements

Reiki I Attunement training is a profound vehicle for the evolution of your soul. This training initiates the process of transformation from the inside out which is ongoing with the intention for you to realize more fully who you are. The more reiki you do, the more freedom you experience to let go of your old habitual ways of acting and doing. This training encourages being as well as doing with the intention of actually becoming reiki – becoming a universal life force – your true self.

In this training you will receive an attunement, guided meditation to bring yourself home, a Reiki manual as well as a connection to other reiki students and global interaction via Facebook and website. This experience will give you the confidence to begin treating yourself, your friends, plants, and animals with Reiki.

This is a healing modality part of the process of living from your spiritual essence providing deep relaxation and ongoing self-renewal Ongoing guidance, support and encouragement is available through a private Facebook group.


Step 1: Pay for class.


Step 2: Attend the attunement! Upon paying for the class, you will be redirected to my Zoom links page. Please select the appropriate Zoom link on class day.

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Reiki II Attunement

Stay Tuned For More info About Upcoming Reiki 11 Attunements

Considering Reiki II, here’s what you can expect. Reiki II is an attunement to a higher frequency and all that is required is a previous Reiki I attunement.

During the attunement process, you will receive the information to support a reiki practice for yourself, your friends and family. And, the Reiki symbols, part of Level II are given to the practitioner to increase the power of Reiki, access higher levels of consciousness and bring Reiki to others through distance healing.

Upon registering I will send you a “how to prepare” for this attunement outlining some suggestions for cleansing and preparing the body, mind and soul for this practice. As always, my passion and purpose is to serve the world with healing and healthy practices and bring Reiki to those on a path of healing and health.

I’m happy to address any questions or concerns. Remember this is an opportunity to grow, nourish and do your soul’s work.


Step 1: Pay for class.


Step 2: Attend the attunement! Upon paying for the class, you will be redirected to my Zoom links page. Please select the appropriate Zoom link on class day.


Reiki Master Attunement



Fun at a Recent Reiki II Attunement